Wells Fargo Foreclosure Mistake
In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the United States Government set aside $50 billion to fund the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). HAMP was implemented in March of 2009 to help millions of American homeowners facing unemployment or underemployment in harsh economic conditions to avoid foreclosure of their home. Wells Fargo accepted up to $6.4 billion in HAMP funding.
Wells Fargo Admits a Computer Glitch Caused Foreclosures in Error
In August 2018, Wells Fargo admitted that a “software error” had caused the Bank to deny mortgage modifications to hundreds of borrowers who actually qualified. The result was that many homeowners wrongfully lost their home to foreclosure. Wells Fargo discovered the problem in 2015, but failed to disclose it for nearly three years.
Wells Fargo Offers to Pay Small Unexplained Amounts to Homeowners
Even though a foreclosure commonly results in a complete loss of equity in the home, Wells Fargo has just recently sent letters and checks for just a few thousand dollars to homeowners who were denied a home loan modification and foreclosed due to a computer "faulty calculation". The letters fail to explain any calculation of the amount offered by Wells Fargo.
Do You Qualify for Compensation?
Attorney Aaron Hemmings is experienced with HAMP claims with years of experience successfully representing individual plaintiffs against some of the largest corporate interests in America. Simply put, when you have justice on your side, it doesn't matter how many lawyers the other side brings into the courtroom. We never forget that your rights are equally important.
Don't Assume This Doesn't Mean You — It Will Cost You Nothing To Find Out
Our Law Firm is now investigating and accepting cases for mortgage borrowers who had a HAMP loan modification request denied by Wells Fargo and their home foreclosed by the bank. If you or someone you know has had a HAMP loan modification denied by Wells Fargo and then lost their home in a foreclosure, feel free to contact us for a free evaluation of your rights. Please call our offices in Raleigh at 919-277-0161 or contact us by email.